What are Schemes?
Central and State Governments and private business corporations provide a range of non-financial benefits to entrepreneurs to enable to cross initial chasm of product development and market introduction. These are provided in form of schemes. This is a list of schemes that we are aware of. If you have any questions about them, please drop a mail to us at i4Mentors@gmail.com
Swarojgar Credit Card
Swarojgar Credit Card (SCC) Scheme was introduced in September 2003 for providing adequate, timely and uninterrupted credit, i.e., working capital including consumption needs and/or block capital requirements to the small artisans, handloom weavers and other self -employed persons including micro-entrepreneurs, SHGs, etc., from the banking system in a flexible, hassle free and cost effective manner.
Single point registration
SPRS is a developmental scheme managed by the National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) for supporting MSE. Undoubtedly, the Indian government is the single largest purchaser of a large array of goods. The objective behind this scheme was to increase the number of purchases from the small-scale sector. By opting for this scheme, NSIC registers the eligible MSEs for participation in government purchases without any Earnest Money Deposit (EMD), which is the money taken from bidders before they place any bid, as a security deposit for ensuring their seriousness in the project.
A Scheme For Promotion Of Innovation,Rural Industries & Entrepreneurship (ASPIRE)
ASPIRE- was launched to set up a network of technology centres and to set up incubation centres to accelarate enterpreneurship and also to promote startups for innovation in agro industry
Technology Incubation and Development of Entrepreneurs (TIDE) 2.0
TIDE 2.0 will promote tech entrepreneurship through financial and technical support to incubators engaged in supporting ICT startups primarily engaged in using emerging technologies such as IoT, AI, Block-chain, Robotics etc. in pre-identified areas of societal relevance. The Scheme will be implemented through empowering 51 incubators in India and handholding close to 2000 tech start-ups over a period of 5 years. The scheme envisions creating a holistic ecosystem to support technology startups and incubation centers through identifying and creating necessary linkages.
CHUNAUTI (Challenge Hunt Under NGIS for Advanced Uninhibited Technology Intervention)
Chunauti, the pandemic-influenced scheme, is a government of India initiative named CHUNAUTI'(Challenge Hunt Under NGIS for Advanced Uninhibited Technology Intervention), to invite Startups to develop solutions for problems amid pandemic. Launched in August 2020, Chunauti is a start-up challenge initiative under the Next Generation Incubation Scheme (NGIS)
Software Technology park scheme
The Software Technology Park (STP) Scheme is a 100 percent Export Oriented Scheme for the development and export of computer software, including export of professional services using communication links or physical media. This scheme is unique in its nature as it focuses on one product / sector, i.e. computer software. The scheme integrates the government concept of 100 percent Export Oriented Units (EOU) and Export Processing Zones (EPZ) and the concept of Science Parks / Technology Parks, as operating elsewhere in the world.
Telecom Technology Development fund scheme
Telecom Technology Development Fund (TTDF) Scheme is aimed for domestic companies and institutions involved in technology design, development, commercialization of telecommunication products and solutions, to enable affordable broadband and mobile services in rural and remote areas.Telecommunication technology products require significantly large funding and long gestation periods for R&D and commercialization including the additional efforts and resources for the products to move from prototype to commercial grade. Government is willing to support industry to build high impact deep tech projects at affordable cost to enable state of the art services for rural areas in the country.
Self Employement Lending Schemes- Credit Line 2-Term Loan Scheme
This scheme is for individual beneficiaries and is implemented through the SCAs.
NSIC Infrastructure Scheme - IT Incubator
The scheme aims at creating sustainable entrepreneurship development in the area of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) especially first generation entrepreneurs by fostering nurturing the innovative ideas to commercially viable business prepositions. Entrepreneurs harness the expertise of NSIC in extending hand holding of start-up companies to become successful small enterprises. The scheme also caters to networking between R&D and Industry beneficiaries to create successful commercial ventures.
Sustainable finance scheme
Sustainable Finance Scheme for funding sustainable development projects that contribute energy efficiency and cleaner production but not covered under the international or bilateral lines of credit. All sustainable development projects such as renewable energy projects, Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) star rating, green microfinance, green buildings and eco-friendly labelling, etc. are applicable for the scope of this scheme.
NIDHI-Centers of Excellence (NIDHI-CoE)
Business incubation has been globally recognized as an important tool for economic development and job creation. Innovation and Entrepreneurship Division of Department of Science and Technology (DST) has been supporting the technology based stratups through its flagship programme of “Technology Business Incubator”. Technology Business Incubators have been supported primarily in and around academic and technical institutions to tap potential technology ideas and innovations for venture creation by effectively utilizing expertise and existing infrastructure already available with the host institution. Technology based new enterprises are high risk and high growth ventures, and they require an enabling environment like NIDHI-Centre of Excellence (NIDHI-CoE) to enhance the prospects of their success.
NIDHI-Technology Business Incubator (NIDHI-TBI)
NSTEDB aims to nurture Startups through incubation. TBIs are ecosystem institutions that are one stop solution for the start-up’s in their early vulnerable years. TBI’s support is invaluable in supporting and nurturing a start-up by providing access to critical resources during their most vulnerable stage in their lifecycle. TBI’s assume the role of an implementing agency for the diverse govt. schemes and programs. Apart from that, they also have the freedom of an autonomous entity to effective support startups with commercialisation and marketing assistance.
Small industries development bank of indian
Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) set up on 2nd April 1990 under an Act of Indian Parliament, acts as the Principal Financial Institution for Promotion,Financing and Development of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) sector as well as for co-ordination of functions of institutions engaged in similar activities
NIDHI-Accelerator - Fast tracking a start-up through focused intervention
National Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board (NSTEDB) of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India is supporting Technology Business Incubators primarily in and around academic, technical and management institutions to tap innovations and technologies for venture creation by utilizing expertise and infrastructure already available with the host institution. Accelerator is a typically a 3-6 months’ fast track structured program helping ideas get accelerated to the next orbit. An accelerator aims at achieving one or more of the following objectives - introduction to entrepreneurial development to identify business opportunities (real problems that require real solutions), validate product ideas, engage with potential customers, build a scalable business model, build a product demonstration, manage team dynamics and pitch to investors. The Accelerators can be used to boost the Incubator’s existing activities to build attractive high quality startups, and have a customer centric validation model which enhances investment readiness as well as worthiness.
Assistance to professional bodies & Seminars/symposia
The Programme extends partial support on a selective basis, for organizing seminar / symposia/ training programmes / workshops / conferences at national as well as international level. The support is provided to Research Institutes/ Universities/Medical and Engineering Colleges and other Academic Institutes/ Professional Bodies who organize such events for the scientific community to keep them abreast of the latest developments in their specific areas. The support is generally given for encouraging participation of young scientists and research workers in such events and publication of proceedings / abstracts for wider dissemination. The Programme also supports S&T Professional bodies.
Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme
The department of Animal Husbandry, dairying and fisheries is implemeting Dairy Enterpreneurship Development Scheme (DEDS) for generating self-employment opportunities in the dairy sector, covering activities such as enhancement of milk production,procurement,preservation,transportation,processing and marketing of milk by providing back ended capital subsidy for bankable projects. The scheme is being implemented by National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)
Technology development programme
Technology Development Programmes (TDP) is to convert proof-of-concepts for development of pre-competitive/commercial technologies/ techniques/ processes. The commercialization of these technologies needs further assessment/incubation, which does not fall in the scope of the Technology Development Programme. Transfer of technology developed under the project to the industry should ideally be the onus of the host institutions. Proposals of incremental R&D over the existing technologies may be considered for support. Theme based concept proposals for proof of feasibility will not be considered under TSDP-DST. Only full fledged complete proposals for development of technology/process/product will be considered under TSDP. Projects related to design and development of Software/IT, as required for products and processes, as a part of technology development project shall be considered. Pure software development does not fall in the scope of the programme
NIDHI- Entrepreneur-In-Residence (NIDHI-EIR) - Support system to reduce risk
The NIDHI-EIR programme provides tremendous opportunities for innovative entrepreneurs to expand their networks and get critical feedback on their ventures in order to promote their entrepreneurial career goals and aspirations. The opportunities under NIDHI-EIR Programme includes guidance from experienced, innovative and highly successful entrepreneurs on the business concept, strategy or venture and insight into specific industries or markets, best practices for starting a business and broaden the professional network; and co-working spaces for developing the idea into a marketable product.
Interest subsidy eligibility certificate
The Interest Subsidy Eligibility Certificate (ISEC) Scheme is an important mechanism of funding khadi programme undertaken by khadi institutions. It was introduced to mobilise funds from banking institutions for filling the gap between the actual fund requirements and availability of funds from budgetary sources.
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