Q. How to publish information about Grants and Schemes?

Please fill following form to share information about Grants and Schemes: https://forms.gle/1h77FZaiuoWibgTj7 We will review the information and publish that on the website.

If you have any questions, you may write to us on i4Mentors@gmail.com.

Q. What is a Grant?

A Grant is a fund given by an end entity grant – often a public body, charitable foundation, or a specialised grant-making institution – to an individual or another entity (usually, a non-profit organisation, sometimes a business or a local government body) for a specific purpose linked to public benefit.

Unlike loans, grants are not to be paid back.

Q. How can i4 Grants help me?

i4Grants will be happy to answer your questions.

Please use Ask us Anything to drop in a note and we will get back to you

Q. How do I apply for BIRAC grants?

BIRAC site has provided a process for grants application and evaluation process. Kindly follow that.

Please check list of grants for details on BIRAC grants.

Q. I have applied for grant but my application has been rejected. How do I understand the reasons for rejection?

There could be many reasons. First reason could be not meeting the grant application criteria like key data requirements etc. Second reason could be quality of innovation. Your idea must be innovative and it should it have a visible impact. Please reflect on the meeting again and try to note down all the feedback and suggestions you received.

If you reflect carefully, the feedback will have reasons for rejection and ideas for improvement.

Many times we are so convinced about our application that while we are hearing, we are not listening and are not willing to accept the feedback. You may also reach out to the grant granting office and seek feedback after the process is over. 

Q. What is a Scheme?

A Scheme, unlike Grant, is a non-financial support given by an end entity grant – often a public body, charitable foundation, or a specialised institution – to an individual or another entity (usually, a non-profit organisation, sometimes a business or a local government body) for a specific purpose linked to public benefit

Q. How is a loan different from a grant?

State and Central governments have multiple schemes for financial assistance. They include both grants and loans. Loans are typically provided at concessonal rates. They are classified by industries, size of organisation, stage of the organisation etc. Grants are generally given for completely new areas that carry lot of development effort and risk.

Loans have to be returned back to payer unlike grants