Assistance to professional bodies & Seminars/symposia
Posted 01/04/2023
Description | The Programme extends partial support on a selective basis, for organizing seminar / symposia/ training programmes / workshops / conferences at national as well as international level. The support is provided to Research Institutes/ Universities/Medical and Engineering Colleges and other Academic Institutes/ Professional Bodies who organize such events for the scientific community to keep them abreast of the latest developments in their specific areas. The support is generally given for encouraging participation of young scientists and research workers in such events and publication of proceedings / abstracts for wider dissemination. The Programme also supports S&T Professional bodies. |
Provider Type Central Govt / State Govt / Private Sector | Central government |
Provider Name | Ministry of science and technology |
Amount | NA |
Grant Conditions & Qualifying Criteria | Applicant should be and Indian Citizen residing in India The applicant(s) must hold a regular position in a recognized academic institution or in a national laboratory / recognized R&D institution Application should be submitted not earlier than 180 days and not later than 60 days, before the date of the event |
Focus Sector (Healthcare, Defense, Agriculture, etc.) | |
Provider Contact Email | NA |
Provider Website URL | |
Type of funding (Grant, Loan or Equity) | NA |
Process | NA |
Tips for Winning | NA |
Provider Indian State | NA |
Provider Contact Address | |
Is Active | "Yes" |
Other Details |
Lean manufacturing competitiveness for MSME
BIRAC Incubators SEED Fund
International cooperation scheme
Brochure Support
Informediary Services