Sustainable finance scheme

Description Sustainable Finance Scheme for funding sustainable development projects that contribute energy efficiency and cleaner production but not covered under the international or bilateral lines of credit. All sustainable development projects such as renewable energy projects, Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) star rating, green microfinance, green buildings and eco-friendly labelling, etc. are applicable for the scope of this scheme.
Provider Type Central Govt / State Govt / Private Sector Central government
Provider Name Small industries development bank of india
Amount NA
Grant Conditions & Qualifying Criteria The acceptable standards for this scheme are as follows                                                                                                                                                                                Renewable energy projects like solar power plants, wind energy generators, mini hydel power projects, biomass gasifier power plants, etc. for captive/ non-captive                                                                                                                               Any potential CP investments that include waste management                                                                                                                                                             Suitable assistance to OEMs that manufactures energy efficient/ cleaner production/ green machinery/ equipment. Either the OEM has to bean MSME, or it has to be supplying its products to a substantial number of MSMEs    
Focus Sector (Healthcare, Defense, Agriculture, etc.)
Provider Contact Email NA
Provider Website URL
Type of funding (Grant, Loan or Equity) NA
Process NA
Tips for Winning NA
Provider Indian State NA
Provider Contact Address
Is Active "Yes"
Other Details