Telecom Technology Development fund scheme
Posted 01/04/2023
Description | Telecom Technology Development Fund (TTDF) Scheme is aimed for domestic companies and institutions involved in technology design, development, commercialization of telecommunication products and solutions, to enable affordable broadband and mobile services in rural and remote areas.Telecommunication technology products require significantly large funding and long gestation periods for R&D and commercialization including the additional efforts and resources for the products to move from prototype to commercial grade. Government is willing to support industry to build high impact deep tech projects at affordable cost to enable state of the art services for rural areas in the country. |
Provider Type Central Govt / State Govt / Private Sector | Universal service obligation fund |
Provider Name | Department of telecommunications |
Amount | NA |
Grant Conditions & Qualifying Criteria | The following Indian entities are only eligible for support from this fund.Domestic Company(ies) with focus on telecom R&D, Use case developmentStart-ups / MSMEsAcademic institutionsR&D institutions, Section 8 companies / Societies, Central & State government entities / PSUs /Autonomous Bodies/SPVs / Limited liability partnerships- with focus on telecom research and developmentCollaborative consortium of above entitiesFor Pilots: The above entities may partner, inter alia, with PSUs, TSPs, Central/State Government entities, government autonomous bodies, SPVs etc. |
Focus Sector (Healthcare, Defense, Agriculture, etc.) | |
Provider Contact Email | NA |
Provider Website URL | |
Type of funding (Grant, Loan or Equity) | NA |
Process | NA |
Tips for Winning | NA |
Provider Indian State | NA |
Provider Contact Address | |
Is Active | "Yes" |
Other Details |
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International cooperation scheme
Brochure Support
Informediary Services