Bioincubators Nurturing Entrepreneurship For Scaling Technologies (Bio-NEST)

Description Bio-incubation allows harnessing of the entrepreneurial potential of start ups by providing access to infrastructure as well as mentoring and networking platforms that the start ups could use during their fledgling days. The Startup India Action Plan has necessitate creation of new bio-incubation space that are world class and that can provide cutting edge access to the best bio- incubation environs for propelling innovative ideas towards productization. BIRAC’s focus has been creation of a biotechnology startup environment in the country. It has taken a couple of strategic implementation programmes that span from provide funding to early stage ideas through grants, creation of bioincubators at strategic locations (through BioNEST) and extend mentorship and networking opportunities to startups Through BioNEST, BIRAC has supported 20 bioincubators that are at various stages of operationalization with the cumulative area of 200000 sq.ft. Out of this approximately 100,000 sft space is currently active for incubation. The 20 bioincubators are placed either within academic/research clusters or stand-alone incubators either privately funded or funded by State Governments. The new growth in biotech startups would require either scaling of existing bio-incubation space in current biotech hubs or creation of new bio- incubation space at nascent hubs that have the potential to become bigger biotech hubs in the next decade. Further, the creation of new bio- incubation space should be cognizant about the differential needs of varied nature of biotech startups- especially those that are medtech (including medical electronics hardware), biopharma, agri-biotech and biomaterials.
Provider Type Central Govt / State Govt / Private Sector Central government
Provider Name Department of biotechnology
Amount NA
Grant Conditions & Qualifying Criteria Indian institutions including Universities/ Research Institutes/ Colleges/ Management Institutes/ Business Schools/ Business Incubators/Biotech-Parks/State government S&T bodies/ Biotech State Councils/Research Hospitals
Focus Sector (Healthcare, Defense, Agriculture, etc.)
Provider Contact Email NA
Provider Website URL
Type of funding (Grant, Loan or Equity) NA
Process NA
Tips for Winning NA
Provider Indian State NA
Provider Contact Address
Is Active "Yes"
Other Details