NIDHI-PRomoting and Accelerating Young and ASpiring innovators & startups (NIDHI- PRAYAS)

Description To setup Idea to Prototype support, NIDHI-PRAYAS program has been launched. It is positioned as a pre-incubation initiative. Under NIDHI PRAYAS, 10 PRAYAS Centres have been setup at various TBIs along with support for establishing PRAYAS Shala and Proof of Concept Grant support for innovators/ entrepreneurs as Prayasee. To inspire the best talents to be entrepreneurs, minimise the risk involved in pursuing start-ups and to partially set off their opportunity costs of high paying jobs.
Provider Type Central Govt / State Govt / Private Sector Central government
Provider Name Department of science and technology
Amount 7 crore
Grant Conditions & Qualifying Criteria ) STEPs/TBIs promoted by Government of India are eligible to apply.b) The proposal to be submitted by a STEP / TBI and other institutions with a proven track record in promotion of technology based entrepreneurship. The STEP / TBI is supposed to have adequate expertise and infrastructure to support innovation scouting, screening, selection for funding support and monitoring of progress of development.c) The financial support for establishing a PC would be extended to a STEP/TBI, a not-for- profit legal entity registered as a society/trust/section 8/25 company. PMC encourages a PC to collaborate with an industry, an academic institution and with other institutions of repute focusing on innovation, research, testing, validation, quality control, commercialization mentorship and start-up promotion. PMC at present does not support for-profit incubators.d) The STEP / TBI should have been in existence for at least 3 years. This limit of time period will not apply to entities created by the central government or state governments.e) A pure R&D proposal for academic pursuits and industrial consultancy will not be eligible for support.
Focus Sector (Healthcare, Defense, Agriculture, etc.)
Provider Contact Email NA
Provider Website URL
Type of funding (Grant, Loan or Equity) NA
Process NA
Tips for Winning NA
Provider Indian State NA
Provider Contact Address
Is Active "Yes"
Other Details